Here are four tips I found useful in helping me cope.
On April 2022, it had been two whole months since going full-time into Web3, and coincidentally, I wrapped it up by speaking on stage at my biggest NFT conference yet. Add on 3 Twitter Spaces, one podcast, and nine in-person events; wow, that week was A LOT.
While I know it may appear effortless to someone from the outside looking in, if it were not for my love for Web3 and NFTs, it honestly sounds like my worst nightmare! Not only am I an introvert, but my therapist has also classified me as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)
And for those who don't know about HSPs, it’s a form of neurodivergence due to greater emotional sensitivity, which results in being more easily overwhelmed in highly stimulating environments (think loud noises, strong smells, etc.).
TL;DR sensory overload... All. The. Time.
So while I truly loved meeting so many of you and felt SO incredibly grateful and even energized that week, it definitely wasn't easy. I know I'm not alone, so here are some tips I found useful in helping me cope.
1. Appreciate your introversion instead of turning your back on it.
I used to think that introversion was something I had to "get over" before showing up for an event. I now know that it quite simply is a preference for how I best engage and that what it takes to fill my cup just looks different from someone more extroverted.
In my opinion, 1-on-1 conversations are a godsend as they make it easier for me to be present and connect with others. And because we are all into Web3, I've found that there's plenty to talk about - be it what got us into the space, our favorite NFT, that awful rug pull, and more!
So rather than viewing introversion as a weakness, learn how to harness it as a superpower instead. There's something sexy about quiet confidence, after all.
2. Don't be afraid to reach out in advance!
As an introvert, the scariest part for me is showing up at one of these events and finding/thinking that no one would be interested in speaking to me. Throw in an awkward handshake + limp intro, and ugh - can we say cringe??
That week was a little easier as I found myself looking forward to meeting several people IRL - @swansit @AngelicVendette @TatianaxCastro @desi_babyyy @avery_akkineni were but a few of many amazing women I was excited to get to know better.
Rather than leave it up to chance, I shot across a DM to say hi and made a loose plan to link up at whatever event we were going to be at. This a) helped with the nerves and b) allowed me to ditch the awkward handshake for a much warmer hug (how very on-brand!).
3. Set boundaries, listen to your body, and set time aside to recharge.
During a week like that, it was easy to over-extend and want in on all the action. Heck, I remember I wanted to be at NFT Miami, even though I knew that would wipe me out entirely.
Before you get swept up in the FOMO, remember that there are always going to be more activities you could have been a part of, just like how there’s always going to be another NFT project you could have been in (Azuki amirite).
Hence, despite the many events that week, I insisted on keeping two evenings to myself, which I happily used for watching Bridgerton.
Be 100% ok with what you have to offer at any point in time. After all, Web3 is a marathon, not a sprint! Yes, we *are* early, so missing one event isn't going to bar you from the magical relationships that are still waiting to be formed.
4. It helps to be mentally prepared, but don’t sweat it if things don’t go according to plan!
I find this tip particularly helpful for Twitter Spaces, but maybe it's because I have such a limited attention span when consuming audio-only content.
As such, I like to know beforehand what story I'm showing up to tell and how I'm going to tell it so nothing gets lost... plus I am definitely guilty of nervous rambling.
It's probably extreme, but when I started hosting on/airHUGs with @randizuckerberg, having a minute-by-minute run of the show helped me know what to expect and have a good command of the (virtual) room.
Now that I'm more used to Spaces, I feel like I am forming some muscle memory, and it feels way more natural than when I first began. I remember we hosted a 1-hour AMA with no plan, and I thought it went beautifully.
IRL is always going to be different, given that it makes more sense to go with the flow, but I’ve still found it useful to prepare myself with an affirmation. One of my favorites is - I AM WORTHY.
And so are you! Of being known, of being here, and of being heard.
To recap, your introversion is a superpower! Instead of shying away from it, here are some tips on how to harness it to thrive in Web3:
Appreciate your introversion
Reach out in advance
Set boundaries
Mentally prepare yourself
Lastly, I know that some days will be harder than others, but don't let that stop you from showing up - not for others but for yourself. After all, no one ever remembers the things you said or did, but rather the way you made them feel.
Good luck out there, anon!
*This article was adapted from a Twitter thread by DebbieSoon.eth*