I'd like all of you to start being kinder to others. You don't know what people are experiencing/going through.
1.) This might be triggering for some, but it's the truth. In the last few weeks/months, Twitter has become more toxic than ever. People are spreading negative vibes, saying, "if you're not building on weekends, you're ngmi," "I'm bullish on all the people that grind the whole day on weekends, especially Sundays," etc.
2.) This is called Toxicity/Toxic positivity. Most well-known people are unhappy, and you don't really know what's happening behind the screen. A lot of them recently opened up.
You should really think about it and ask yourself if this is the right thing to tweet before you do it, because you're promoting really unhealthy habits where people feel obligated and scared to take a break on weekends especially Sundays. It creates a toxic environment for everyone.
Mostly this comes from well-known, influential people/founders who promote a 15-20h grind a day, which is insanely unrealistic. I can comment on this personally, as I've played games professionally for 15-16h a day, and it's unhealthy and not manageable.
Promoting this kind of behavior is such a bad example of how to be a Founder/Influencer, especially young upcoming people are going to do the same and put themselves in such unhealthy habits. Let's start switching this mindset a bit.
3.) Instead of that, let's start promoting taking a break, taking your Sundays off and spending time with your family, going outside for a walk or drink, eating healthier, sleeping for 8h, and start exercising.
If you think that 3-4h of sleep is enough for you, not really. It's not sustainable, especially not healthy. People who sleep around 8h a day (good sleep) do the same amount or more work than people who sleep 3-4h.
Your body/brain regenerates while you sleep, not while you're awake. You remember information while you're asleep, not awake... Focusing on improving your relationships outside with your family/pets and friends will improve your workflow and relationships in Web3.
Start eating healthy and exercising. It doesn't take a lot of time. I'm optimistic about Founders/Influencers who promote this lifestyle because everything can be managed. Start practicing good time management, be patient, and stay consistent.
A lot of those people who are promoting that kind of stuff are mostly unhappy and don't take care of themselves.
4.) Pressure: I've talked with a lot of very influential friends/Founders who feel pressured/scared to take days off because they think they'll be judged by the people around them, calling them scammers/ruggers, etc...
This is pure toxicity from the past, where people have been hurt, minting some projects, projecting their own anger on others instead of learning from it and moving on. We have all been there, but this isn't a reason to stay in that mindset.
Instead of always circling back to the past, we've already gone through that. We are in a market that needs to be supportive. A lot of people are left. Let's start moving from that and support others, especially Founders.
Send them a message, and let them know they can take a break for a day and spend their day with their close ones. You can all do that too. It will improve the overall relationships in this space.
Also, I would like to point out that if a community doesn't support a Founder taking a day or two off, they are not there for the project itself. They just care about their own bags. From this, I want to point out: PATIENCE. Start exercising patience. Nothing comes overnight.
Whatever you do in life, patience, consistency, and trust are key. Now you're going to say: "oh can we trust this person?" We have already moved from that part. You can see now who's here to stay and who isn't. Start trusting them and supporting those people. The past is the past.
In the end: I'd like all of you to reach out and ask people, "how are you" before judging. Your few kind words can save someone and get them out of a deep hole. Be kind.
Have a bit of empathy. Put yourself in their shoes and look from their perspective. How would you feel, and what would you do?
I hope we can start moving forward and supporting each other, building together, not against each other.
Support each other, and don't bring other people down for your own success. There's enough space for everyone.
*This article was adapted from a Twitter thread by n3_xt*